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  • docliptz 7:48 am on June 16, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: blogging, , liptsvitch, patient blog,   

    So I go on vacation to Jersey this weeke … 

    So I go on vacation to Jersey this weekend. Well, less of a vacation and more of a time away from MY WIFE RICHARD! I am NOT a homosexual.

    Anyway, I was at a conference for Psychiatric Communication where I gave my paper on the benefits of using a blog for Psychological help. I showed how my previous experiement was extremely helpful for many of my patients at that time, and then moved on to show this current blog. Richard ruined it with his casting aspersions on my sexuality. They all laughed at me. We WILL be discussing this in therapy Richard.

    So later on I went back to my suite and watched what must have been a soft-core porn film. I just wanted to watch Shrek I swear. The mini bar was pretty lame, so it was good that I always take a bottle of scotch with me to conferences. It always helps me relax after the stress of presenting.

    I think they liked my presentation anyway.

    Tonight I’m going out to the gun range with some bottles.

  • docliptz 7:21 pm on June 12, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: blogging, , mental, , rehabilitation, schizophrenia   

    The New Lipsvitch Blog! 

    Hello Folks! This is the Psychological Experiment page of Dr. Tim Liptsvitch!Dr. Liptzvitch

    I am very happy to bring you a new installment of the latest trend in psychological rehabilitation: Blog Therapy! Yes! I know those of you who are interested in knowing more about this have already ready my paper in the APA Journal entitled “Blogging is Good for the Soul: How Schizophrenics Can Manage Text Synthesis in the Online World.”

    This blog is a real-life experiment using real patients of mine. They will be expressing themselves in a culturally important medium and working to get in touch with their inner child as they do it.

    Soon my patients will begin blogging their latest adventures. Not all of these patients are schizophrenics, but they are all mentally disabled. Enjoy!

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